This Book of Memories memorial website is designed to be a permanent tribute paying tribute to the life and memory of Lessie Orr. It allows family and friends a place to re-visit, interact with each other, share and enhance this tribute for future generations. We are both pleased and proud to provide the Book of Memories to the families of our community.

Thank you.

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Sharing a Story

This section allows family and friends to share their own special stories.

Note: The story will not appear in the Book of Memories™ until approved by the funeral home or family.

Step #1 - Enter your name and email address into the proper fields.

Step #2 - Select a currently available photo from those shown, or upload your own.

Step #3 - Write a title for your story.

Step #4 - Type or cut/paste your story in the text box.

Step #5 - Click "Preview".

Step #6 - If it meets with your approval, complete the "Captcha" anti-spam feature, and click "Submit".

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